Fasana is an enchanting deep mauve Pishwas adorned with zardozi work on a gorgeous gold neckline with an embroidered hemline. Enhance this piece of art by adding this breathtaking gold...
"Mah-Rukh" is a ravishing fuchsia Pishwas adorned with traditional handwork with pearls and gota embroidery layered on an embossed canvas with embroidered hemline complete with crystalized tassels. Enhance this piece...
Deep is an enchanting deep rust Pishwas adorned with zardozi work on a gorgeous gold neckline with an embroidered hemline. Enhance this piece of art by adding this breath taking...
Silsilay is a vision of a beautiful black beauty enriched on a thread embroidered silk organza fabric with traditional gota embroidery on the neckline creating a graceful style. Enhance the...
Parvanah is a light and breezy hue of pink with a combination of sequinned embroidery on silk organza designed in a modern Anarakha style with 3D floral and pearl embroidery...
Madhoshi is a light and breezy hue of dusty rose pink with a combination of sequinned embroidery on silk organza designed in a modern Anarakha style with 3D floral and...
Nayaab, inspired by the Mughal era, is an ethereal ivory raw silk and zari silk anarakha pishwas adorned with rich thread embroidery and luxurious embellishment, with metallic thread finishing. Compliment...